
Need a Title Transfer?

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Transfers made easy

If you want to change the ownership of a property, a title transfer must be completed. A few steps are involved and they vary depending on the type of property ownership, how you are changing the title and whether it is under a mortgage.

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Things to know about Title Transfers

There are many reasons why people may want to change the ownership details of a property. It can be due to a change in circumstance or a situation where a property is gifted to a family member. The reason will also determine the type of conveyancing work needed.

See some common examples below.

Updating, adding or removing names

This simply means a name on the title needs to be changed or updated. For example someone my have changed their name and it needs to be updated on the title. A person may have bought a property before they got married, and now want to add their spouse to the title. Maybe someone has passed away and they need to be removed from the property title.

Change of ownership structure

A property owner might want to change their ownership structure because it may no longer be relevant to them or people they own the property with. For example the property ownership could be transferred to a family trust.

Family related

The owner may no longer be able to look after their property due to illness or old age. If this is the case they may want to pass the property on to a family member to look after it. A change in ownership may also be due to the death of the property owner. All these situations would require the family to make updates to ownership.

Change in circumstance

A property may have been purchased with the assistance of a friend or family member. Or maybe it was a joint purchase. If there has been a change in financial circumstance, one owner may want to buy the other out requiring the title to be updated. A change of circumstance can also be due to a couple’s divorce.

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